The owner of this website ( and service provider of the information society is NAVAKIN VENTURES S.L. with CIF. B56076557, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Córdoba, Volume 2588, Folio 11, Inscription 1 with sheet CO-38319. You can contact us by phone: 951 463 025 or 656 804 462 and Email:
The personal data that NAVAKIN VENTURES S.L. collects on its web page, and in particular, the customer data entered during the contracting procedure, are subject to automated processing and are included in the corresponding files, called “CLIENT DATA”, duly registered with the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data.
Personal data
All personal data voluntarily provided by our customers to / Navakin Ventures SL through our website, and that help us maintain a fluid and personalized communication with our client, are treated with absolute confidentiality and always in accordance with the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).
According to the requirements of the LOPD, we would like to inform you that the entity responsible for the file registered in the Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), is Navakin Ventures SL, with CIF: B56076557.
To make use of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, as well as to ask any questions about the Privacy Policy, you can contact Navakin Ventures SL, by any of the following means:
Email: marketing (at)
Postal: Navakin Ventures SL, Calle Escritora Ana María Matute Nº8, 1º1, 14014, Córdoba
Recipient of the data
By virtue of what is established in the law, we would like to inform our users that in order to carry out a correct management of their cases, and during the hiring process of the services in, we see ourselves in the position of having to communicate the personal data provided to the entities that will provide the services in the final instance, that is, our suppliers, who will only and exclusively use said data in order to carry out the provision of the contracted service.
Veracity of the information
All the information provided by the User must be true and accurate. For these purposes, the interested party guarantees the authenticity of all data provided as a result of completing the corresponding forms. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made, and the damages caused to FueCapilar, or third parties, for the information provided.
Conservation of data
The data referring to name, surname, email address, telephone and images will be kept indefinitely unless the User requests the withdrawal, in which case, we will proceed to the removal of your data. The rest of the data provided by the User will be deleted 18 months after the end of the contracted service.
Our services are aimed at people of legal age, in the event that some of our services are specifically aimed at minors, Navakin Ventures SL will request the consent of parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for automated processing of the data as stated in the current legislation.
If the registered party is a minor, it is required that they have the prior consent of their parents or guardians before proceeding to the inclusion of their personal data in the forms of the Website.
Social networks
In no case, any personal information of the patients will be shared through any social network of which FUECAPILAR forms a part without the express consent of the User.
Security of the information
FUECAPILAR uses technologies appropriate to the current state of the art, to protect your data and personal information, so our website is stored on secure servers protected against the most common types of attacks. However, we remind you that there is no invulnerable technology and therefore you must put the means at your disposal to maintain the level of security of your data. FUECAPILAR has adopted the technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.
Changes in the Privacy Policy
FUECAPILAR reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices. In these cases, FUECAPILAR will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of its implementation.
Finally, FUECAPILAR will treat the data to which it has access according to the instructions of the USER, not applying them or using them for purposes other than those established in this document.